LMS Live Chat
Project Background
The Learning Management Solutions(LMS) we chose to focus on is Blackboard. While analyzing the website for problems, we noticed that there is no functionality that facilitates communication between members of the class. This is a big issue because if you need to communicate with other members of the class then you need to set up a meeting time and place or set up some predetermined form of communication. This can get complicated because you need to find a common application you both use from the variety of communication applications such as Discord, Slack, SMS, WhatsApp, Snapchat, or many others.
With this project we hope to take out this unnecessary step and give the students and teachers a common line of communication right on Blackboard. This will end up helping classmates both in and out of the classroom because they will be able to communicate for projects, homework, etc. and additionally it gives students the tools necessary to connect with others they previously were not able to, for any other reasons.
Project Description
Our solution to this problem was implementing a live chat feature that will be added to every class right inside of blackboard. Our live chat will allow all members of the class to be able to send messages directly to other members of the class in a private channel, or send messages in a class channel to reach everyone at once. The professor will be able to create channels for relevant discussion topics (homework, projects, etc.) to keep communication organized. The professor will also be able to promote students or a teacher's assistant to admin in order to monitor the chat room and delete any profane messages. This feature will make collaboration easier and allow for greater student success.
Project Assets
SRS Document
Link To DocumentUI Prototype
Link To GithubDemo Video
Link To VideoPresentation
Link To SlidesRequirements
Link To IMGUse Case Diagram
Link To IMGClass Diagram
Link To IMGOriginal Description
Link To PDFResources
Domain Research
[1] “The Blackboard Rest API Framework.” Blackboard REST API Framework, https://docs.blackboard.com/rest-apis/learn/getting-started/framework.
[2] “What Is LMS Systems? What Is It: LMS Systems and Their Benefits.” ELeaP, 30 Oct. 2020, https://www.eleapsoftware.com/what-is-lms-systems/.
[3] Nikonova, Nina Andreevna. “Redis.” Amazon, Gos. Izd-Vo Selkhoz Lit-Ry, 1961, https://aws.amazon.com/redis/.
[4] Raina, Author:Ajeet, and Author: “How to Build a Chat Application Using Redis.” The Home of Redis Developers, 10 Nov. 2022, https://developer.redis.com/howtos/chatapp/.
[5] “Blackboard Learn LMS Review.” PCMAG, https://www.pcmag.com/reviews/blackboard-learn-lms.
[6] Background Image by liuzishan on FreepikTools Used
[1] “Installation - Tailwind CSS.” Installation - Tailwind CSS, https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation.
[2] “Welcome to Flask¶.” Welcome to Flask - Flask Documentation (2.2.x), https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/.
[3] “Jinja¶.” Jinja, https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.1.x/.
[4] js.foundation, JS Foundation -. “JQuery API.” JQuery API Documentation, https://api.jquery.com/.
[5] “Font Awesome.” Font Awesome, https://fontawesome.com/.
[6] “Socket.io.” SocketIO RSS, https://socket.io/.
[7] Sqlite Home Page, https://www.sqlite.org/index.html.
[6] Background Image by liuzishan on Freepik